400 jigheads with holder special pack!
Ball with one or two loops
Erie Jighead
Fishing snap (double sided)
Flat weight – passthrough
Flat weight with swivel
Flat with loop
Gruszki z uszkiem
Herring weight
Hook Mustad Ultra Point (black nickel)
Jighead for drop-shot system
Jighead Mustad Long
Jighead Mustad Super Strong
Jighead with holder
Łezki z igielitem
Micro Jighead with bait holder
Micro Jigheads
Olive – pass through weight
Screw-in Weight
Standard Jighead
Standing Jighead
Swivel with snap
Treble Hook Mustad Standard (golden-brown)
Treble Hook Mustad Ultrapoint TR-78 2xStrong (black nickel)
Treble Hook VMC 7556 BN 3xStrong (black nickel)
Treble Hooks VMC 8527 BN 5xStrong (black nickel)
Tungsten Leader